Gavin Cook's Baptism

Aug 21, 2022

TOPIC: Articles, Baptism, Video

On Sunday, August 21, 2022, Gavin Cook was baptized by his Small Group Leader, Ron Carr, for his faith in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of his life. We are overjoyed to see the impact that our volunteer leaders have on the young men and women of the church, and this is a wonderful example. Ron has shared how much spiritual growth he’s witnessed in Gavin, and Gavin tells us that Ron has led, taught, and cared for his group of guys so much over the years. 

As Gavin testifies, God is the Lord of His life. God’s Son came to earth, was crucified, died, and was resurrected for Gavin’s sins. And because of this, Gavin’s baptism signifies that his old life is buried like Christ and he is risen up to walk in the newness of life in Him. We are so excited for the further discipleship that Gavin will receive from his parents and church community, and which he will bring to others.