At the Movies

Series Overview

Debuting on Sunday at a Rolling Hills church campus near you: our new sermon series, At The Movies, where we’ll view some of the most popular movies through the Christian lens. The stories in movies have captured the imaginations of generations of people. They bring purpose and meaning to the characters and plot on screen. But the intriguing stories of our most popular films all borrow from the greatest story of all, which is God’s story. The good news for all of us is that stories of redemption are not confined to the box office. God set the stage of our very world and invites us into His story! Join us in the coming weeks as we explore the themes of evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, worship, and ministry as we interact with secular culture and apply the truth of Scripture to our world’s story.

Sermon Archive
Part 5: Indiana Jones - CLC
Part 5: Indiana JonesPart 5: Indiana Jones - CLC

Feb 26, 2023


The fifth purpose of the church is ministry. Many times we think that ministry is reserved for those on a church staff – for the “professional” ministers. In reality, God calls all followers of Jesus to be ministers. Ministry is when we help and serve others in the name of Jesus. Every Christ-follower has spiritual gifts to use for God’s glory. May we step out in faith and minister to those God has put around us, starting at home, then in His Church, then in our community, and, finally, to all we meet. When we become involved, this is where the Christian life becomes a great adventure!

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