Everyday Armor

Part 4: Our Secret Weapon - FRC
Part 4: Our Secret WeaponPart 4: Our Secret Weapon - FRC

Feb 28, 2021


As Christ-followers, we are in a battle. Our enemy wants to render us ineffective for the Kingdom of God. The devil longs to deceive us and get a foothold in our minds, home, workplace, and church. But, our God is greater. God gives us spiritual armor for the battle, and the last piece of armor is prayer. Prayer invites God into our situations and struggles. Our God is greater! Prayer changes things and prayer changes us. Let’s be people who pray because we know that God will ultimately win the battle! We are on the winning team. So let’s put on the full armor of God and pray in all situations. Our God is with us and He is for us! Let’s pray!

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