Christmas | The Power of Perspective

The Shepherds

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When God sent His birth announcement, He focused on a bunch of shepherds. How amazing! Shepherds were ordinary, hard-working guys. They were waiting on the Messiah, and when the angels showed up they decided to go and see what God was doing. After meeting Jesus, they returned different – worshipping and glorifying God. They experienced the Christ of Christmas. Jesus has come, so how do you respond? Will you experience the Christ of Christmas and will you be different? Will you worship and glorify God for who He is and for what He is doing in your life! Joy to the world, the Lord is come! This is the Good News! Merry Christmas!


When God sent His birth announcement, He focused on a bunch of shepherds. How amazing! Shepherds were ordinary, hard-working guys. They were waiting on the Messiah, and when the angels showed up they decided to go and see what God was doing. After meeting Jesus, they returned different – worshipping and glorifying God. They experienced the Christ of Christmas. Jesus has come, so how do you respond? Will you experience the Christ of Christmas and will you be different? Will you worship and glorify God for who He is and for what He is doing in your life! Joy to the world, the Lord is come! This is the Good News! Merry Christmas!

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