The Greatest Adventure // Part 1: Born for a Purpose

June 6, 2021

God had a great plan for Moses, just like God has a great plan for each of us. God saved Moses in a basket in the Nile, and then gave Moses the best education in the world at that time. As Moses grew up, he didn’t fall in love with the comforts of this world, but kept a heart for the One True God. Moses ended up in the wilderness where God grew his faith and prepared him to lead His people. God is working in your life. God is preparing you for great things. Always draw close to God and know that He is working in you for a greater purpose.

Born on Purpose For a Purpose

What’s the last difficult season that you walked through? Or are you walking through a hard season right now? Have you ever felt, in this season, that God has abandoned you or doesn’t realize what He’s doing? You’re not alone, friend. We all have been through trying circumstances when it’s been hard for us to see how God could possibly be working. 

But, we must know and trust this promise: God is still writing your story. Nothing that God does is by accident. Just as we will learn throughout this summer in Exodus and Moses’s life, God longs to use us as tools in His greater story for us. Even during the most challenging circumstances in our lives, God is moving and working. He will never waste an experience in our lives.

What the Bible Says about our Purpose in the Life of Moses

In Exodus 1-2, we read about several experiences that Moses faced from the time he was born through when he was forced to flee from Egypt. From the time that Moses was born, God had a plan for his life. We read, The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, “When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live” (Exodus 1:15-16). The new king decreed that all Israelite children were supposed to be thrown into the Nile River. How could God have possibly brought anything good from this horrific situation? Did God just abandon His people at this time?

God wasn’t finished with the story He was writing for the people of Israel. He was just getting started. Then Pharaoh’s daughter went down to the Nile to bathe, and her attendants were walking along the riverbank… She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him (Exodus 2:5-6). Of all people, God sent Pharaoh’s daughter to find Moses, which led to Moses getting an incredible education and a high status in Egypt. Despite all of the many comforts that he was given, Moses always identified with the people of God. He always knew where he came from, and he always kept his heart for the one true God.

Do you love the comforts of this world more than pleasing God?

From the moment that you were born, you were born on purpose FOR a purpose. God doesn’t make mistakes, and you were never an accident to Him. He knew what your name would be. He knew what your hair color, height, and favorite color would be. He knew what passions He would put in your heart. And He knew how He was going to use you to further His kingdom. 

Friend, what this world has to offer us is nothing compared to the joy of knowing that our lives have purpose. The comforts of the world will call after us, begging us to give in the worldly pleasures and successes – but we must choose God and His plan for us over anything else. We must make it our aim to serve Him and to pursue what His plan is for us. 

Stay true to God each and everyday of your life. Regardless of the worldly pleasures we may be tempted to pursue, regardless of the wilderness that we’re walking through right now, regardless of the doubts that creep in and tell us that God isn’t moving in our lives, we must hold on to this hope: God is not finished with you. God is drawing you to Himself. God has a great plan for your life. 

Are you ready for the adventure He’s about to take you on? 

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