Parenting Today
Parenting Today // Discipleship
Parenting today can be the greatest joy and yet the most challenging part of anyone’s life. But, God wants us to succeed! God wants us to thrive in our parenting and not just survive. Therefore, God gives us His Word, His Spirit and His Church. Having a personal, growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ, His Son, is the most important part of parenting. And, having godly leaders at church is so essential to raising our kids and the next generation in Christ. Let’s cover our children in prayer and endeavor to thrive in parenting today.
Rooted // Reproduce
God wants you to grow in your faith and to share His love with others. This comes by being rooted in Christ. Growing deep roots in Jesus and then allowing His love to flow out of you. Jesus then calls us to plant seeds of the Gospel in the hearts and lives of others. “The harvest is plentiful…,” Jesus said, “...but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest field.” Matthew 9. God has called each of us to share our faith and to invest in others for His glory. This is where we grow spiritually and impact the world for Christ.
Rooted // Bear Fruit
Jesus is the true vine, the Father is the gardener, and we are the branches. When we stay connected to Christ, we bear fruit, reflecting a life rooted in Him. By surrendering to the Lord’s pruning, we are refined and bear even more fruit. Remaining in Christ through faith and obedience leads to a life of abundant, lasting fruitfulness.
Rooted // Growth
You were created to grow. Just like physical growth as we watch a baby grow into a child, young man or woman and ultimately an adult, there are stages to spiritual growth. If you are alive spiritually, then you should be growing/maturing in Christ. So, are you more like Jesus today than you were a year, 5 years, 10 years or 20 years ago? Make a commitment to grow spiritually in 2025. What steps do you need to take? To read your Bible, to pray, to be baptized, to join the church, to serve on Sunday mornings, to lead a group, to disciple your family and more. Let’s make 2025 a year of spiritual growth and watch God make it our best year yet!
Rooted // Deep Roots
It’s the start of the New Year, and we pray 2025 will be your best year yet. We pray you will prosper in every area of your life this year. It all starts with your relationship with God. Will you commit to grow spiritually this year? What is the next step for you - accepting Christ, being baptized, joining the church, joining a Community Group, Men’s or Women’s Group, serving at church, reading your Bible, praying regularly, journaling or maybe a mission trip? There are so many ways to grow spiritually this year. Commit to be at church and to grow in your relationship with God. We're praying for you in 2025! Know God has a great plan and purpose for you!
Best of 2024
This final Sunday of 2024 at Rolling Hills Community Church is a time to celebrate God’s incredible work throughout the year and look ahead with faith. Centered on Ephesians 3:20-21, this special service highlights a year of revival, baptisms, and transformed lives, featuring a devotional from Pastor Jeff and reflections on 2024’s milestones. As we praise God’s faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-25), let’s commit to making 2025 a year of discipleship, seeking first His kingdom in every aspect of life. Together, let’s step into the new year, ready to prioritize Jesus and embrace His calling.