Advance // Part 4: Financial Health
January 23, 2022
Money is a big part of our life. Money can bring joy, but it can also cause worry and stress. How we manage the money we have been given is important to God. Everything we have comes from Him, and He longs for us to be good stewards of what He has entrusted to us. We all can succeed in this area! You can win at money if you do it God’s way. How do you plan to advance financially in 2022? Do a budget? Get a will? Sign up for Financial Peace University? Live by Biblical principles? Above all, trust God with your finances! Let’s learn to be rich.
Let’s Talk about our Feelings
Would you believe us if we said…
- 59% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck?
- 38% of households in America have credit card debt?
- 33% of the adult population in America saved $0 for their retirement?
Now, these statistics are not to scare you – rather, they’re meant to draw your attention to the fact that many of us are not living in financial health. We’re living in fear of the future or in debt. Or, we simply want to quit worrying and stressing so much about our finances, but we simply don’t know how to stop.
God’s Word says, Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment (1 Timothy 6:17). It’s clearly stated here: our hope is not in money or what money can provide for us. Our hope is in Christ – and because our God is good, He desires for us to have life to the full… a life that is free from worry and fear.
Friends, let’s put to death the grip that our finances can have on us and allow Jesus to take control of our financial health. Let’s continue to grow healthier this year. Together.
What the Bible Says about Financial Health
God cares about how we handle our finances. Have you ever thought about that? What you spend your money on, how you treat your finances, your relationship with your finances – these things are important to God. Jesus talked more about money than He talked about any other topic. Why? Well, He knew that where we placed our treasure and our value is what our hearts, and ultimately our lives, will worship. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). The key here is that God doesn’t care about how much money we make. Rather, He cares about where our hearts are because if we don’t have a healthy relationship with our finances, He knew that money would become the chief competitors of our hearts.
As we read in 1 Timothy 6, God also was concerned about money because it can be easy for us as humans to put our hope in tangible things – money being one of those major things. When we do that, however, is when we come up disappointed every single time. Money is an uncertain thing. It makes a very poor god. Our good Father provides us with everything we could ever truly need, so while we may want many things, our hearts must grow content in Christ above all else. We must find Christ to be enough and to find our treasure in Him. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share (1 Timothy 6:18).
Ultimately, what Scripture teaches us is that we are stewards of what God has entrusted to us. The blessings He’s bestowed upon us are incredible – and beyond what we could ever deserve. He is a kind and generous Giver of gifts and the ultimate example for us to follow when it comes to showing generosity and kindness to others with our money and possessions.
What Does it Mean to be Rich?
Whether we like it or not, money is a big part of our lives. It has the ability to give us joy and to provide many great things. However, it allows has the ability to cause much worry and stress. And, it holds the potential to threaten where our heart’s deepest desire is. We cannot (and will never be able to) serve both God and money. God wants our whole heart – and He deserves it! Money will never be able to give us what we truly need. What we need is Christ… and He will always satisfy.
Let’s manage our money well and be wise stewards of what God has entrusted to us. That’s why educating ourselves and beginning to do things like have a budget, save, and tithe are so essential if we are going to continue to grow in our financial health, and ultimately, to grow in our relationship with Christ, too.
So, don’t get stressed thinking about money or the changes you need to make – take a breath. Yes, assess where you’re at in your financial health. Make a list of action items you’d love to take or financial goals you may have. But, first and foremost, take a second and thank God for what He has blessed you with. Then, ask Him to guide you as you look to make Him the Lord of your life and Lord over all things in your life, including your finances.
We can succeed in this area with God on our side and when we do it God’s way. How will you advance financially in 2022?