Welcome to our Online Campus!

Service Times + Location

Service Times:
Every Sunday
8am, 9:30am, and 11am

In Person:
1810 Columbia Ave
Franklin, TN 37064



Meet Chloe

As a pastor's daughter, Chloe grew up around ministry for all of her life and first felt the call to ministry after going on her first mission trip to Brazil in high school. After years of praying for clear direction from God, He led Chloe to the Nashville area, and shortly after, to Rolling Hills. Starting out in a role on the Communications Team during the COVID-19 pandemic, Chloe helped our staff navigate reaching people online through our Rolling Hills Online Campus. That season, though challenging at times, revealed her love for connecting people to Jesus using technology. As our Groups & Online Director, Chloe’s been on staff for over four years, and her primary focus is to help individuals and families, both in-person and online, get connected to the community that God has designed us to have as believers.

Chloe’s been married to her husband, Jacob, for almost 2 years, and when she’s not working, she loves to spend time outside by the river or the pool with Jacob or her family, who also live in Tennessee. A former collegiate athlete, Chloe also enjoys exercising, whether that’s going to the gym, going on a walk or run outside, or playing sports with her nieces and nephews. You can also typically find Chloe listening to or reading a book with a cup of coffee in hand. We’re thankful to have Chloe on our staff!   

Miracles of Jesus // Feeding of the 5,000

Our God is a God of miracles. In one of Jesus’ most famous miracles in the Bible, Jesus feeds 5,000 men (probably more like 15,000 to 20,000 people) with only five loaves of bread and two small fish. When we place a little in the hands of Jesus, He multiplies it and more. So often, we forget about Jesus. When we are in need, call out to the God of miracles. Jesus is always more than enough. Will you place your life in His hands today? Will you place your faith in Jesus and watch Him do miracles in you and through you for His glory? Live as a disciple of Jesus.

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