Next Steps

Come find life’s meaning through Jesus and authentic community with others.

Press Release | August 13, 2024

Rolling Hills Community Church and Immanuel Nashville Reach Agreement on Church Property Sale, Marking New Chapter for Both Congregations.


Revivals are powerful movements of God that impact countless lives and come about every 50 years, from Johnathan Edwards to Billy Graham. Now is the time for the next Revival, starting in the Church and within our own hearts. Imagine the transformation if we let Revival begin with us and spread to our families, communities, and beyond. We hope you'll join us in this journey.

Learn more about our Revival at Rolling Hills on October 23-27, and access the 40 Days of Prayer guide prompts at the button below.

Faith Works: The Book of James // Taming the Tongue

We have all been impacted by words. Words are powerful. James talks about the impact of words on our lives and others. We all carry hope and wounds from words said to us by a parent, coach, teacher or friend. And, at the same time, we too have the power to build up and destroy others with our words. James calls to us to live out our faith with our words. How we use our words - what we say, post, write and more - matters. As a disciple of Jesus, do our words reflect Christ? Have you declared Jesus with your mouth, and have you professed Him with your life?

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Resources title lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecutor

Church doesn’t just happen on Sunday!

Connect with Rolling Hills throughout the week on our Church Center app. We want to make it as simple as possible to grow in your faith here. This app isn’t just about consuming information. It’s about giving you the opportunity to take action and go deeper in your relationship with God. Download Church Center today!


We believe prayer changes things.

Whatever you’re going through, we’d love to join with you in prayer.