Grown-ups, you are your child’s greatest teachers and influencers. We believe God has called you to be the primary disciple-maker for your preschooler. The preschool years are a time of significant learning and development. We think they may be the most IMPORTANT years, and we want to help you teach them foundational truths that will impact your child’s life forever.
During these three preschool phases, your child will think like an artist and be motivated by safety. Your job is to EMBRACE their physical needs so they feel safe and to incite wonder so they will know God’s love and meet God’s family.
Conversation Guides & Info

Parents, you are the greatest teachers and influencers in your son or daughter’s life. We believe God has called you to be the primary disciple-maker for your elementary-aged child.
During these three elementary phases, your child will think like a scientist and be motivated by FUN! Your job is to ENGAGE their interests and to provoke discovery so they learn to trust God’s character and are excited to jump in and experience God’s family.
Conversation Guides & Info

Middle School
Parents, you are the greatest teachers and influencers in your student’s life. We believe God has called you to be the primary disciple-maker for your middle schooler.
During these two middle school phases, your child will think like an engineer and be motivated by acceptance. Your job is to AFFIRM their personal journey, and to provoke discovery so they learn to own their faith and value a faith community.
Conversation Guides & Info
Biblical Resources to Help Parents Disciple Their Teens
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High School
Parents, you are the greatest teacher and influencer in your student’s life. We believe God has called you to be the primary disciple-maker for your high school students and it is our privilege to partner with you as you raise them to be a godly man or woman. We know the high school years can be difficult to navigate. If you or your student need help in any way, please reach out to a member of our student ministry team.
During these four high school phases, your student will think like a philosopher and be motivated by freedom. Your job is to MOBILIZE their potential and to fuel passion so they will keep pursuing authentic faith & discover their personal mission.
Conversation Guides & Info
Biblical Resources to Help Parents Disciple Their Teens
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