A Beautiful Life // Part 1: The Beginning of a Beautiful Life

April 11, 2021

God wants us to live a beautiful life. We all have a different amount of time on this earth, but for however long we are here, God wants us to live our best life. This is true both physically and spiritually. John, one of Jesus’ closest disciples, explains the importance of knowing and growing in Jesus if we are truly to experience our best life. A deep relationship with Jesus is what brings us joy. Are you growing in your relationship with Jesus? Confess your sins and embrace the amazing life God has for you. It is not the number of years we have on this earth, but what we do with those years. Let’s live a beautiful life for the glory of our great God.

What a Beautiful Life Really Means

Life can be hard. It can be wonderful. It can be challenging and fun and exciting and uncertain. And it can be beautiful. Even in the midst of the most difficult or exciting moments of life, the life God desires for us to have as believers beautiful. 

But what is a beautiful life?

What the Bible Says about Living a Beautiful Life in 1 John 1

In the letter of 1 John, we read a letter from the Apostle John, a faithful follower of Jesus and a friend of Jesus while He was here on earth. He was by Jesus’ side through the triumphs and the tragedies, and, in this letter, he touches on much of what he learned in his life. Because of all that he learned from Jesus and from his own faith journey, he’s able to write from a place of spiritual maturity, wisdom, insight, and experience.

John writes from a place of combating a heresy that was prevalent in the time of the people that he’s writing to – a heresy called “Gnosticism.” This was the belief that the physical is evil since it will decay but the spiritual is good since it will live on. Because of that, these people were living for their flesh, claiming that the choices they made and what actions they took didn’t matter since the flesh is not what would not live eternally. However, John shuts that down right in the first chapter. It’s here he explains that both the physical and the spiritual matter. It’s in both areas where the beauty of life comes from. 

We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And, our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ. We write this to make our joy complete (1 John 1:3). Through Jesus we can have fellowship with both God and with others – and also how we can grow and mature spiritually. This is where the joy of life comes from. In no place does John tell us it’s going to be easy. Rather, he says, If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). He’s telling us that sin is what keeps us from experiencing the life that we were supposed to live, and it’s through our confession and repentance that we can find freedom from sin which leads to a life that is truly beautiful.

Are you living in the light – a life characterized by joy and spiritual maturity?

John wrote this letter to believers who were trying to learn how to become more like Christ. He wrote this letter as a guide, as a challenge, and as an encouragement to them. And he wrote this to help them – and believers in the future – to live life how God designed His children to live.

Friend, are you living in the light? Are you living a life that is pure, free from sin, and full of God’s good grace? If not, God is offering it to you now. Starting today, you can live a life that is truly beautiful. And it begins with Jesus. He is who leads us into a true relationship with God and with others. He is the beginning of deep and real fellowship. He is the answer to our joy becoming complete, once and for all.

There is freedom found in admitting to your struggles. There is real freedom in confessing your sin and turning from it. There is freedom found in the grace of God. A beautiful life is lived in freedom and in the light. Start living your beautiful life today.

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