One Voice // Part 2: A People of God

January 10, 2021

We are God’s people. We have entered into a relationship with God through the price Jesus paid for our sins on the cross. We are redeemed and restored by His goodness and grace. Jesus invites us to follow Him. To learn to hear His voice, trust, and obey. Jesus longs to lead us into a great life - life ”to the full.” Who are you listening to? Are you listening to what your enemy says about you or what God says about you? Listen to One Voice, and then together, as God’s people, let’s proclaim with one voice His goodness and grace in 2021 and for all eternity!

Listening to the Voice of God

When we take a look back at all that happened in 2020, we can see everything from a worldwide pandemic to a presidential election to a bombing on Christmas Day. Throughout all of the change, uncertainty, and unforeseen circumstances that we witnessed, the voices in the media, on the news, on social media, and within circles of families and friends were loud. It seemed that each person or news outlet had something to share about their perspective of the circumstances and what that meant for the future.

Now, as we’re walking into a new year, the voices haven’t stopped. And they won’t. There will always be many voices and many viewpoints. However, there is only one voice that matters – and that is the voice of Christ and His Church. 

As God’s people, we must learn to hear His voice. Even in the middle of much division in voices, ideas, and perspectives, we have to listen for that still, small voice of direction and wisdom and clarity. He is our Shepherd, and He wants to bring His people on a path to life, life that’s abundant.

What the Bible Says about the People of God

In John 10, we read the story of Jesus talking to a group of Pharisees. He’s telling them a parable about a shepherd and what that shepherd’s role is in regard to his flock of sheep. He tells the Pharisees that the sheep know their shepherd’s voice, and they listen when he calls to them. When a sheep goes missing or is in danger, the shepherd will lay his life down for that sheep because that’s his job – to take care of and lead his sheep. 

Jesus tells this parable because He’s sharing with the Pharisees that the followers of Christ are like sheep. They are the ones who need to be listening to Him and who must know that Jesus alone is the gate to salvation. Like the dangers that sheep face, we, too, will face danger, and the biggest one is not anything of this world. It’s not a pandemic or even physical danger. Our biggest enemy is Satan, the Enemy of God. He wants to keep us from Jesus, and that’s why it’s so crucial for us to allow God to lead us, as our Shepherd.

We read in John 10:14-15, I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. What kind encouragement these words are, to know that Jesus is our good, good Shepherd. He knows us, and He lays His life down for us. This is why we can trust His voice and His leading in our lives. He will always and forever lead us on a path to life and hope.

Will you listen to God and trust Him this year?

God still speaks to us today. Sometimes, He will speak to His people in an audible voice, but, oftentimes, He speaks to us in a still, small voice, beckoning us to Him, quietly urging us to walk in the way He has for us. Though we will hear many, many voices this year, including the voice of the Enemy, we must, above all, listen for that still, small voice of our Shepherd. 

Our call as God’s sheep and as the People of God is to follow God and to trust His plan for our lives. We are the People of God. We are those who are chosen by God on purpose and for a purpose. Just as we must know God’s voice in our lives, we must forge ahead with one voice based on our faith in Christ and our knowledge of who He is. 

Are you listening to God? Will you make the choice to listen to Him and trust where He will lead you this year? No, we don’t and can’t know where that may be, but what we do know is that He was, is, and will always be faithful to us and to His plan for our lives. Nothing He says or does is on accident, and He will use you if you follow His leading. Listen to God’s voice this year and see what He does in your life.

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