Words from the Mount // Part 2: Fulfillment of the Law

February 9, 2020

Jesus teaches His Disciples the “Way of the Kingdom” or what life with Jesus as a follower of Him looks like. Jesus came and turned the popular thinking of the day upside down! Teaching that life in the Kingdom is about relationship, not religion, that you should love your enemy, and that He cares about your heart! Will you be a person this week who continues to look for meaning and purpose in the ways of the world or will you allow Jesus to set your agenda and to show you what really matters?

Jesus affirms the Law and the Prophets.

Jesus fulfills the Law and the Prophets.

Jesus transforms our understanding and teaches us the Way of the Kingdom

  1. The question we are all asking is “what does it mean to be good?”
  2. It is not enough to focus on the outward.
  3. Jesus is interested in your heart.
  4. Jesus sees and cares about your heart, He is not trying to shame you, He is inviting you to the full life in the Kingdom!
  5. Jesus is interested in the best version of you!

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