Life Changing Conversations // Part 2: The Disciples

March 14, 2021

Saying yes to Jesus means saying yes to living on mission or living “sent”! Far too often we seem to think that being sent is for someone else. But according to Jesus, “living sent” is a part of the normal life of the believer. Not only that sent lives are joyful lives, and as followers of Christ we look most like Christ when we live sent! So hold tightly to the truth that “Where you are is where God has sent you!” and this week, look for opportunities in the normal rhythms of your life to be people that usher in the peace of God and invest deeply in the people God has put around you.

The Joy of Being Sent

We say “yes” to many different things. Sometimes we say yes to doing activities with our friends or family. Sometimes we say yes to a job we are asked to do. Sometimes we say yes to ideas, plans, or goals. Our yeses typically define the course of our lives and determine what we’re living for.

The biggest yes we will ever have is saying yes to Jesus. It’s a life-changing yes, and it’s this conversation with Him that will change our mission and purpose – because saying yes to Jesus means saying yes to being sent. Just as the disciples were “sent” in Luke 10, we, too, are sent out into the communities, cities, countries, and world that we live in to make a difference for the Gospel. We are sent into the places we go with one mission – to further the name of Jesus.

As Christ-followers, we have to choose to say yes to Jesus, and we have to choose that we will live sent. Because when we live sent, we look most like Christ. Because when we live sent, we live joyfully. Because when we live sent, eternities are changed and Jesus is glorified.

What the Bible Says about the Sent

In Luke 10, we read about Jesus sending out His disciples into the harvest field. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field (Luke 10:2). In this passage, Jesus is comparing the work that we do as Christ-followers for the Kingdom of God to the work that farmers and harvest workers do for their crops and fields. Just as these laborers work in order to gain a plentiful harvest that will benefit them and their families, we, as Christians, are meant to go out and glean a harvest of more believers.

We are not saved just for our own sake. Jesus selected His disciples to go into these towns to share the Good News of the Gospel, and He’s calling us to do the same. This mission has eternal implications. When Jesus sent His disciples, He warned them that it wouldn’t be easy. He cautioned them against being isolated and let them know that they will face challenges and opposition. However, He also told them that they would not be walking into the unknown alone.

The disciples were sent in joy because they knew that their God was going before them and that their mission was extremely important. As disciples today, we, too, have this same mission to go out and share about Jesus’ love and sacrifice. We have a purpose here, wherever our harvest field is, to further the Kingdom of Christ, and that’s something we should never take lightly.

Are you living sent?

So, the question is: have you said yes to living sent? If you’ve said yes to Jesus, then that means that you must live in this way. Your life should be characterized by your purpose. This means prioritizing the things that matter, like prayer, God’s Word, people, and your relationship with Christ. It means identifying what your harvest field is and how God is leading you into that place. It means looking for ways to meet the needs of others, then, with the help of the Holy Spirit, sharing how Jesus has fulfilled all of your deepest needs.

To live sent is a high calling, but it is a calling of honor. It is something that we should be fully invested in because when we take it seriously and keep our purpose on the forefront of our minds and hearts, that’s when life-change, both in us and through us, begins to happen.

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