Celebrating God’s Goodness // Part 3: God’s Goodness in His Church
November 7, 2021
We all need encouragement in our lives. Many times we can feel down or discouraged. But, God comes to stand with us and by us in the challenges of life. God sent His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins, then to conquer death in order to make a way for us to have eternal life. God is with us, and He is for us. Whatever you are facing today, keep going forward in Christ. God has a great plan for you and for His Church. We are a part of something very special. Live each day in the encouragement and grace of your great God.
An Encouragement for You
Hear this today, church: God is doing something in YOU. No matter what life may have brought you today, this week, or this year, God is moving in your life, and He is not done with you. It’s easy to become discouraged when life is difficult. Even Scripture lets us know that in this world there will be trouble, as the Christian life is not always easy. But, God is always good. His goodness is always true and faithful.
Do you need encouragement today? Look to God and remember His goodness in your life. Do you need to encourage someone else today? Point them to God’s faithfulness in their life. Do you need to find something to celebrate? Think about what Jesus has done and thank Him for it right now. We all need to be encouraged – and we must know that we are not alone. The Church is meant to strengthen us as believers, and we can be encouraged that God is doing a work in us and in His Church.
What the Bible Says in 1 Thessalonians 3
We all need encouragement – and that’s what Paul sent Timothy to do for the church in Thessalonica. The church there was growing rapidly, but it was facing challenges. We know that the life of a Christ-follower holds trials, and Paul wanted to be sure to strengthen and encourage the Thessalonians in their faith (1 Thessalonians 3:2). At times, it may seem like others, even Christians or churches, only focus on what others are doing wrong. When that happens, discouragement takes root, forcing us to focus on the negative rather than be encouraged in what’s going well. However, as Christ-followers, we are called to be people who encourage others and who discipline not out of anger but out of our love for others.
Discouragement will come, but the antidote to being discouraged is always gratitude. When we feel down or frustrated, we can think about Jesus and His sacrifice. We can look to Jesus and trust that He is good and His goodness will never fail us. We can dwell on the blameless and holy Father that we know and love (1 Thessalonians 3:13), and we can celebrate all that He is doing in our lives, regardless of our present circumstances.
God Stands with You
When we feel alone, it’s much easier to get discouraged versus when we are surrounded by others. That is what the Church is meant to be: a place of safety, encouragement, and strength. There’s strength in numbers – because when our community surrounds us when we are down, they can pick us up and bring us back to the truth that is found in Jesus.
God never leaves us to walk through challenges alone. He never tells us to simply figure it out on our own. We are His children, and as His children, He has called us to a life that is special, a life that is set aside for His purpose. And His Church is a part of that purpose.
Whatever you are facing today know this: God is with you, and God is for you. Never will He leave or forsake you. Never will He let you down. Never will He fail you. You can rest secure in Him. Thank you, God.