Life On Purpose // Part 4: Mission
July 5, 2020
The habitual practices in our life are either distorting or clarifying our created purpose. Spiritual practices clarify that purpose for us. God has called us ALL into an intentional missional purpose that starts on our street and flows to the ends of the earth. There are people that need to see you live the gospel and hear you explain the gospel all around us. They are in your life for a reason. Will you answer the call?
Life On Purpose: Mission
Living on Mission: What Does That Really Mean?
Do you know the name of your next-door neighbor? Do you know what your coworker likes to do for fun outside of work? Have you ever had a genuine, unhurried conversation with another parent at your child’s school?
Missional living can look different for each person, depending on where God has placed you, but, regardless of where you are, we each have circles of influence that God has intentionally placed us for the advancement of the Kingdom. Our call is to live purposefully in sharing Christ with those in our circles.
Oftentimes, we may see others’ lives or circles of influence and wonder why God put us where we are. Or, we may wonder why God is using others but not using us. Rosario Butterfield said, “God never gets the address wrong.” This means that even when we may question how God will use us in our life position or role, God didn’t make a mistake in his placement of us. He hand-picked you and me to be where we are at such a time as this. Just because we may not be able to see how He’s using us or how He will use us in the future does not mean that we aren’t part of His plan.
Part of this call to missional living includes our habits and practices. Our created purpose is either distorted or clarified by the habitual practices in our life. When we choose to live for Christ and create spiritual habits, our purpose is renewed and clarified, and we are able to begin building God-sized dreams for reaching people for Christ. Our God is in control and in charge, and He wants to use us to fulfill His commission for us.
What the Bible Says about Life on Mission
Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Our missional purpose is clearly outlined in this passage from Acts: we are to be witnesses for Christ in reaching those in our cities and towns, and in reaching those to the ends of the earth. That task may seem daunting at first, but look back at the first part of the verse. We receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. Though the task is not one to take lightly, we also have the God of the universe on our side. He goes before us, and He alone is the One who provides us with the power to fulfill our purpose.
Christianity is not a passive faith. It’s a faith that directs us to go beyond our scope of comfort to reach the lost and the hurting. Romans 10:13-14 puts this into perspective: “‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?” The Bible spells it out clearly for us – we are the hope for bringing the Gospel to the unreached people in our world. God calls us to reach the ends of the earth, but we have to start somewhere.
For many of us, that means following the second greatest commandment of loving our neighbor (Mark 12:29-31). You aren’t able to love someone that you haven’t met or ever reached out to. Reaching the ends of the world, for many, means building relationships right where God has placed you and showing Christ to those in your life by the love that you have for them (John 13:35).
Let’s Start Today!
We know this to be true: we all have an intentional mission to build the Kingdom of God right where we are. Your mission field may be your workplace, your neighborhood, or the grocery store down the street, but whether God calls you across the world or right outside your front door, we each have a purpose to live on mission for the sake of the Gospel.
You aren’t doing this alone, Church. We have the Holy Spirit, God’s very own Spirit, in us, and that should ignite us to go out in faith to share about the God that we believe in. The best way of loving those in our lives is by sharing Christ with them because that means we care enough to tell them about their need for a Savior and what He has the power to do in their life.
Our world needs Christ. Our country, our state, our very own city is in desperate need to hear the Gospel and to see it lived out. We all have people in our lives who we can share the Good News with – the question is whether we will choose to answer God’s call to share the Gospel with the people He’s placed in our lives.
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