Refine // Part 4: Sloth – Ambition

February 27, 2022

Greed is to money as slothfulness is to time. We all have a certain amount of time, so the question becomes: are we investing our time in things that matter? There is a temptation in our culture to desire only things that make us comfortable, but if we are to grow spiritually then we must get out of our comfort zone. We must push past laziness to grow deeper and stronger in our spiritual journey. Spending time in prayer and reading God’s Word takes effort as does sharing our faith and serving others. God calls us to “work out” our salvation - not to “work for” our salvation (because it is by grace we are saved), but to “work out.” Let’s give our best to God!

Where to Find Real Success

Which of these is a better quality to have – laziness or ambition? You’re probably thinking, "Well, obviously, ambition is a better quality to have." 

Sure, we all know the "right" answer to that question, especially given the value that our American culture places on being hard-working, driven, successful, and ambitious. But, here’s a harder question for you: are you ambitious in all areas in your life? Better yet, are you ambitious in the areas that matter most?

You see, someone can be extremely ambitious and work very hard in things like their career, on their home improvement projects, or on saving money for retirement, which are all great things. That same person, however, can be lazy in other areas, like in their marriage, in parenting, or even in their relationship with Jesus – and these areas, friends, are the ones that matter most. Unless we fight against the sin of sloth, or laziness, then we will get caught up in comfort, in lack of responsibility, and in the pleasures of this world.

It’s time to succeed in the areas that matter most. Are you ready? 

What the Bible Says about Sloth

For many of us, work can be tiring, busy, and even frustrating at times. Whether we like our jobs or not, we read in the Bible that God created us as humans beings to rest. That’s what the Sabbath is. Work was created from the beginning – it was there before the Fall, before sin even entered the world. However, the Sabbath Day, or the Lord’s Day, was also created before the Fall. Work was meant to be something that we, as people, did to serve our God. Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! (Proverbs 6:6) In Proverbs and throughout God’s Word, hard work is something that is considered a quality we, as believers, should all have. Ambition and drive are signs of someone who is passionate, devoted, and willing to work hard to succeed, and God calls us all to work as if we are working for Him in all things (Colossians 3:23). 

That’s why the sin of sloth is one that can be so detrimental to our spiritual, relational, and emotional health. Because of sin, our heart tends towards comfort. We seek out comfort in all things, desiring comfort, at times, over more important and essential things in our lives. Scripture tells us, A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest – and poverty will come on you like a thief… (Proverbs 6:10-11) The word “sleep” here refers to laziness, meaning that when we are lazy, even just a little bit, we will suffer, whether that’s in our spiritual health or in another area of our life. 

But, wait, didn’t we just read that God calls us to rest? Yes, God does call us to rest and to use His Day as a day to serve Him and to focus on Him. However, that does not give us the excuse to act slothful in our daily lives. Ultimately, outside of God’s grace and sovereignty in salvation, the best things in life take work. That is how God designed it to be – and God doesn’t make mistakes. “Work” means being focused at the task at hand, striving for excellence as we work for the Lord, and being an example to others in our work ethic. Why? Because of what we read in Ephesians 2:10: For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. 

Is Your Work Ethic an Example to Others?

It’s very easy to get comfortable being… well, comfortable. Yes, maybe some people have personalities that are more “driven” or “achievement oriented.” However, our personality types, preferences, Enneagram numbers, or anything else does not give us permission to live slothful lives. 

Do not confuse rest with laziness. Do not take for granted God’s grace in providing us with the ability to rest or find comfort in this life. His grace, rather, should push us to be the very best we can be. No matter where your life situation may be – whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a CEO, a student, a missionary, or a teacher, God has called you to do everything with our whole heart, as though we are working for Him and not for others. 

What a gift it is that God has given us purpose in our lives. How honoring it is that He calls us to do Kingdom work in our daily lives! May we never forget the opportunity this is – to work hard for God’s Kingdom through simple, regular, everyday tasks. Let’s give our best to God.  

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