The Greatest Adventure // Part 6: God Provides

July 11, 2021

God provides for His people. So often we worry. We wonder if God sees the circumstances we are facing. We all have needs. Yet, God not only sees, but He cares. God provides for all our needs. God takes care of His people every day. He invites us to trust Him and to follow Him. God provides for both our physical needs and our spiritual needs. God gave His only Son, so that we can have eternal life with Him through salvation. There is no need that God cannot, and will not, meet in your life. Are you worried today? Trust God, and know - the Lord will provide.

Dare to Hope 

Life gets hard. Plain and simple. Things that we don’t expect to happen do. Tragedies and struggles hit when we are least expecting them. Uncertainty seems to be endless, and the questions we have never get answered.

Yet, we still dare to hope. Why? 

Because our God is a God who provides for His children. He never will leave us to fend for ourselves or "just figure it out." He will always come through. Our job is merely to trust what He promises, to keep hope even in the hardest times, and to find Him to be enough. As we read the story from Exodus 16-17 of the Israelites in the desert and God’s provision for them, we can be challenged by God’s words to His people and will be equipped with truths that we can hold fast to when we face difficult circumstances.

What the Bible Says about God’s Provision

The Israelites left the land where they were enslaved to go out into the desert – because that’s where God led them. Naturally, they began to have questions about what was coming next. The fears came because, although they were in captivity in Egypt, they at least knew what to expect when they were there. Now they were walking in the wilderness, in the unknown… and the somewhat unpleasant.

But God always saw them and knew what they needed. The Lord said to Moses, “I have heard the grumbling of the Israelites. Tell them, at twilight you will eat meat, and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.” (Exodus 16:11-12) When they were hungry and getting hopeless as to when they would eat again, God came through. He met their need with bread that came down from the sky. Only God could provide for them in such an incredible way, and it was because He is a relational God who loves His people with an unconditional, indescribable kind of love.

Even in the midst of God’s provision, though, the Israelites still complained. They still worried about what was coming next, when God longed for them to be grateful for His many blessings and gifts. The Bible tells us, Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23). His love and compassion never ends; it’s new each and every day, so how can we not praise a God like this? 

Do you believe God is greater?

The situation you’re in may be extremely challenging. It may be heart-breaking, exhausting, or stressful. But, do you believe that God is greater than your current circumstance? Do you believe that He has the power to provide you with exactly what you need, even before you know what that is? God already gave us our greatest need in Jesus. He sent His Son to be our salvation, so He’s given us the person that fulfills our deepest desires and longings. 

However, He also sees you right now. He sees if you are struggling and hurting. He sees if you are on the highest mountain top or the lowest valley. Your pain, struggles, or challenges are never unnoticed by God – He just may be answering your prayers in a way that you are not expecting. There is no need that God cannot, and will not, meet in your life. Are you worried today? Trust God and know – the Lord will provide.

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