Engage // Part 6: Worship

September 12, 2021

Worship is more than singing some songs on a Sunday morning. Worship is our life. Worship is our response to God for who He is and for what He has done in our life. We were created to worship; therefore, we will all worship something. We will worship money, success, and even our kids, but God wants us to worship Him. God longs for us to worship Him in the good times and in the struggles. When we truly live a life of worshiping God, this changes everything. Worshiping God brings peace, love, joy, and purpose into our hearts and allows us to bring glory to His Name with our life. Let’s engage in worship this week.

What Do You Worship? 

Let’s take a test real quick. Ask yourself these three questions:

  1. What’s the one thing that you’ve thought about most this week?
  2. What’s something that you desire more than anything right now?
  3. What’s the thing that you’ve talked about most recently?

The answer to those few questions will likely show you what it is that you worship – because we all worship something. Thinking about something, desiring something, and talking about something is not wrong in and of itself. God designed us to be people who have the ability to want, believe, and dream. However, it’s when things take the place of where God should be – and they become ultimate in our lives – that they turn into idols we worship, rather than gifts from God that we can appreciate.

So, friends, is God truly the object of our worship each and every day of our lives? Regardless of the season you’re walking through, we can worship, so let’s start today.

What the Bible Says about Worship

All throughout Scripture, we read of people and things in creation worshiping God. In the Psalms, all creation worships God constantly: Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs (Psalm 100:1-2). Worship is more than just singing praise songs; worship is a response to God to who He is and what He’s doing in our lives. God created us as beings of worship – we all have a longing in our souls to worship. In Romans 12, Paul writes to Christ-followers, calling them to offer their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God (Romans 12:1). We are called to give everything, including our very bodies, as a sacrifice, a symbol of worship to God. He seeks those who are true worshippers: Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks (John 4:23). 

Scripture is littered with stories and passages about worship because we all worship something, and if it’s not Christ, then it’s something else that has captivated our heart and attention. Romans 12:2 continues, beckoning us to refrain from conforming to the pattern of worship that our culture has created. Our society tells us to worship other people, things, or ourselves; God tells us to worship Him and Him alone… and there is not a time that we will have breath in our lungs that He will not be deserving of our worship.

Worship is Our Life

Worship is a part of all of our lives. Our world will encourage us to worship the things it has to offer us: success, money, material possessions, and even our spouses or families. But, those things pale in comparison to our God. He alone is worthy of all worship and praise. 

And He longs for us to worship Him, starting today. This means, too, that even on the hardest days and through the most difficult seasons, we are to worship Him – because when we worship, we not only are bringing praise and glory to the Father, but we are also bringing peace, joy, and purpose into our hearts. Worship changes us. 

How can we worship God this week? Whether it’s at work, in our homes, in our schools, or with people in your circle, we can worship God in any and every circumstance. Let’s engage in worship, together.

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