The Greatest Adventure // Part 8: The God of Details

July 25, 2021

God is intricately involved in every detail of your life. Because He is Sovereign, holy, and good, you can trust Him in everything. Whether you are going through a valley or on the tops of mountains, God is working all things out according to His will for your life. For the Israelites, God was showing them how He was going to meet with Him. He desires to do the same thing for you today! Will you trust His plan? Will you grow in Him? He holds every detail together for the great adventures He has in store.

God is with YOU.





These are all words that describe God’s presence. He is consistent, He is loyal, He is always here with us. And He is faithfully pursuing us with a steadfast devotion. How does that make you feel? Do you want to have a relationship with a God like that?

God is in the details of your life, big and small. Just as He was with the Israelites as they were slaves in Egypt, living in the desert, and building the tabernacle, His presence will be with us and will never leave or forsake us. Though we know God’s presence is with us each place we go, when God instructed the Israelites to build a tabernacle, this revealed God’s relentless desire to dwell with His people. He longs to live and dwell with us.

What the Bible Says about God’s Presence

When we read of the details regarding the building of the tabernacle and God’s plan for it, we can learn several different things. First, we learn that God’s plan from the very beginning was to be with His people. This truth didn’t begin in the New Testament – God longed to be with His people from creation to the cross to today. 

Secondly, in Exodus 25, we read of the sacrifice of the animal that had to happen in order to take the place of the sins of God’s people. Though this may seem harsh or unnecessary to some, this was actually an act of God’s mercy, allowing an animal to take the place that we as sinful people deserve. Sin means that we should experience death; it should be our blood that is shed. However, God allowed their sins to be atoned by the bloodshed of animals – which would later make way for the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, who would be our perfect sacrifice forevermore. 

Thirdly, we learn that God cannot be anything but completely and utterly holy. Where God’s holiness could not be compromised, God’s mercy would be realized. Like the Israelites in this passage, we, too, have a choice. We must choose to say that God is not holy and that we aren’t “that bad.” Or, we must choose to understand how incredibly holy He is and how His holiness, in turn, shows us how miraculous His mercy is, that He would love sinners like you and me. 

Have you experienced God’s presence for yourself?

So, whether it was the sacrifice that was offered, the blood that was spilled, the bread that was made, the lamps that were lit, the oil that was pressed, or any of the other elements that the tabernacle’s building consisted of, there is nothing that takes the place of the presence of our High Priest, Jesus. 

No, we aren’t building a tabernacle like the Israelites were. However, we do have an opportunity to dwell in the presence of God on a daily basis. We can present ourselves before the Lord and trust that we are seen, heard, and fully loved. To have a holy God like our God who loves us and wants to spend time with us is the greatest gift we can receive. Nothing is more important than the light and life of God’s presence – right now, right here with us.

Have you experienced God’s presence for yourself? Have you set aside the “golden calves” of this world and chosen Jesus over anything that this world has to offer? You can experience the presence of God today. He’s calling you into fellowship with Him. Regardless of our sins and struggles, He extends the invitation to come into His presence. Come to Him, friend. 

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