The Greatest Adventure // Part 9: Legacy

August 1, 2021

This summer we have been on an amazing journey with the children of Israel as God brought them out of slavery and led them to the Promised Land. In our own lives, we are on an amazing journey with the Lord as well. God has freed us from being slaves to sin, and He is leading us to our forever home in heaven. What are we doing with this life we have been given? Are we following Jesus and blessing others or simply living for ourselves? We are all leaving a legacy; the question is this: what kind of legacy will you leave? Will you live your life for the glory of God and help those who come behind you to know Him better? Let’s leave a legacy for Jesus!

Raising Up the Next Generation

Think of the few people who had an impact on your faith journey. Do you have someone or a few people who immediately come to mind? Maybe they were the people who encouraged you when you needed it, the people who prayed with and for you, the people who shared their faith without any hesitation or doubt. Those individuals had an eternal impact on you because they chose to leave the places they went and the people they encountered better than they found them. They left a legacy that would result in life-change.

Now, what about you? Who are you impacting and investing in? Whether you’re a parent, a grandparent, an aunt or uncle, or a single person, every single one of us has a responsibility to prepare the next generation. We all have a role to play in pouring into those who come after us – that job is not just for those who are parents. The Church at large is called to raise up the next generation of believers.

What the Bible Says about Legacy

Throughout the book of Exodus, we’ve read of Moses’s life and experience. He was not perfect by any means. He made many mistakes and did not always make the best choices. However, there are so many incredible lessons that we can learn from Moses’s life, as we have been doing throughout this series. Now, the final lesson we can learn from Moses is the importance of leaving a legacy of faith for the generations that come after us.

As Moses is entering his final days on earth, he says these words: For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to Him, and to keep His commands, decrees, and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess (Deuteronomy 30:16). He is leaving those coming after him, who will become the future leaders of the church and of God’s people, with this commandment to follow the Lord – because that’s what really matters in this life.

Moses was obedient to God in his lifetime, and he fulfilled God’s call for his life. He left an impact on the people of Israel in a way that would change the course of history, and that’s something we can emulate as we step out into the future that God has for each of us.

What is the legacy you are leaving?

We each hold the potential to impact the next generation. No matter your age, race, relationship status, or socioeconomic status, God has a plan and a purpose for your life. He has a plan and purpose for YOU. And part of that plan is for you to leave a legacy for the sake of Christ.

God is with us everywhere we go. He never leaves us alone. That’s why we can walk out in confidence into what He’s calling us to.

We can leave it better than we found it. We can leave our workplaces better than we found them. We can leave our families better than we found them. We can leave our neighborhoods, our friends, our classrooms, our world better than we found them. We’re all on this greatest adventure into the place that God has us, and whether we acknowledge it or not, we are all leaving a legacy. Are you ready to step into the calling that God has for you? Are you ready to begin leaving a legacy that impacts those who come after you?

So, what are you waiting for? Start leaving your legacy for Jesus today.

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