Plan Your Visit at RHCC

Plan Your Visit

We’re so glad to meet you! We know stepping into a new church can be intimidating. No matter your stage of life or circumstances, we want you to know that at Rolling Hills, you will be welcomed by people who want to love like Jesus and want to get to know you and your story.

What time should I show up?

We recommend showing up 15-20 minutes before service at the location you’re planning to attend. This will give you plenty of time to get parked, check in your kiddos if need be, grab some great local coffee, and grab a seat in our auditorium.


What should I wear?

We're pretty casual. Some like to dress up more and you'll see others wearing t-shirts and flip flops.

Where should I park?

We have a team of smiling faces waiting to help you find your spot! When you pull in, just turn on your flashers and they’ll guide the way!


Where should I go when I arrive?

If it’s your first time, make sure you stop by the Next Steps desk so we can meet you, give you a gift, and answer any questions you might have!

What about my kids?

No matter which campus you attend, kids will experience the same kind of Sunday morning worship and small group time. We want each child to have a fun, safe, Gospel-oriented morning that sets your family up for more conversations you can have together about your faith at home. We have a place for your kids from birth to 12th grade at each campus location.


What will I hear?

We like to keep things simple - each week you will hear about Jesus. No matter which campus you attend, and no matter which book of the Bible we’re teaching from, the common thread that runs through all we do is Jesus and the Gospel.

How long should I plan to stay?

Each service runs about 65 minutes and our kids programming is timed with our services so that when service is over, your kiddo is ready to be picked up. We also have a saying around here, which is Worship One, Serve One, so if you’re able to stay longer, you could attend one service and then jump in and serve the next.


What's Next?

We want you to come and see, but we don’t want you to stop there. We believe we are called to be a people of God reaching out, growing up, and giving all. And a part of that is believing that everyone has a next step in their journey with Jesus. For some it’s baptism, others need to find a group of like-minded believers to do life with, and some would like to know what we believe and are ready to become a partner (what we call members!)