Stories of Christmas | Part Five: Jesus

December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas! Our hope and prayer is that you experience the love and grace of God as you realize that Christmas is for you. The greatest Gift of all has been given to you this Christmas – Jesus, God’s own Son. As the angel announced, "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you (Luke 2:11)." Jesus has come “to you.” May this be your best Christmas yet as you receive the Gift of Jesus in your heart and live your life for His Name and Glory. This is where you truly become alive!

Merry Christmas! Thank you for celebrating the Christ of Christmas at this special Christmas Eve Service. My hope and prayer is that you experience the love and grace of God as you realize that Christmas is for you. The greatest Gift of all has been given to you this Christmas – Jesus, God’s own Son. As the angel announced, Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you (Luke 2:11). Jesus has come “to you.” May this be your best Christmas yet as you receive the Gift of Jesus in your heart and live your life for His Name and Glory. This is where you truly become alive!

At Rolling Hills, our desire is to help you grow in your relationship with God. This comes first through a personal relationship with Jesus. Next, God may be calling you to be baptized as an outward expression of your inward personal commitment. Then, you join the church and lock arms with other Christ-followers as you grow spiritually. Finally, we want to help you take a Daily Step spiritually, and we have a guide to help you read the Bible every day.

I’m praying that this Christmas and next year will be your best yet! I encourage you and your family to get involved at church. Every Sunday morning, there is amazing worship, Bible teaching, preschool, children, and kid’s ministry to help you all grow in your faith journey. Putting God first in your life will help you spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. In addition, this will help you grow stronger in all your personal relationships with your family, friends, marriage, and children. God has a great plan for your life, so trust and grow in Him.

In January, we are beginning with a study on Heaven. Make a commitment to be a part of this four-week series as we start a new year. Overall, just know how much God loves you. You are so special to Him that He sent His one and only Son for you. This is why we celebrate Christmas, and I pray you will experience His love and come fully alive in your life. Blessings on you & Merry CHRISTmas!

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