Posts Tagged ‘Eyes on Jesus’
Eyes on Jesus // Part 4: Living with God’s Peace
Do you want to start living with Peace? "Man, life would be a lot better if I didn’t have to deal with ________." Fill in the blank with what comes to mind. Work? Marital struggles? A physical illness? A difficult family relationship? We all probably had something specific come to mind when we started thinking…
Read MoreEyes on Jesus // Part 3: How to Deal with Stress
Stress in Today’s World Stress. Just the word alone can make that anxious feeling start rising up inside of us. We all know what stress feels like and likely have countless examples of very stress-inducing situations in our own personal lives – many of which may have even occurred over this last year and a…
Read MoreEyes on Jesus // Part 2: Why Do We Worry?
WHY DO WE WORRY? Nobody really wants to spend their time and energy worrying. It pulls us away from our families, distracts us from our work, and might even turn our hair gray. Yet for many of us it can become a daily routine, especially in our toughest seasons. Worrying can be our first attempt…
Read MoreEyes on Jesus // Part 1: Eyes on Jesus
ANXIETY IN TODAY’S WORLD Most, if not all, of us likely have experienced several sleepless nights due to stressful or anxious feelings that we just can’t shake. Especially with all that’s going on in our nation and world, it can feel like the burdens are so heavy that we just need to do… something. Anything.…
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