Revival // Purpose

Revival Sermon Series

God calls His people to Revival. Revival is a gift from God to draw His people back to His heart. The purpose of Revival is to reignite the fire in His Church and His people. As Christ-followers, we will face challenges and even persecution. In those times we are called to be bold. We are…

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Revival // Presence

Revival Sermon Series

The Presence of God is what we all need in our lives. So often we look to the things of this world to satisfy us. We think, “If I just have more money,” but money never ultimately meets our deepest needs of healing, hope, salvation and eternity. True joy comes in meeting and knowing Jesus.…

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Masterclass: The Book of Mark // Jesus Heals

What Defiles a Man?  At the start of Mark 7, the Pharisees seek to catch Jesus in some sort of unrighteousness, but fail once again. This time, they saw that His disciples did not ceremoniously wash their hands before eating, and asked Jesus why He allowed them to do this. Jesus responded by calling out…

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Masterclass: The Book of Mark // Jesus Restores Lives

Jesus Displays His Power to Restore If you’ve been in this world for long at all you know there’s a lot of imposing and scary forces out there. We don’t get much choice on the subjects of weather and erosion, or of sickness and decay, or of death. Every single day, we’re subject to the…

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