Living an Intentional Life // Part 5: Invite

Send Invitations for Christ When we invite someone to an event or place, it’s because we want them to be there. We send out invitations telling people what the occasion is, and everything they need to know: who, what, when, and where. We spend much time making sure the details are right and the invitation…

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Living an Intentional Life // Week 4: Inform

From Head to Heart Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. —Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Many of us may feel unqualified because there always seems to be another question about our faith that we…

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Fresh Fruit // Part 1: Love

How to Identify a Christ Follower Do you think you could recognize a trustworthy babysitter when you meet one? You couldn’t know for sure just by looking at them, because there are good people of all kinds of nationalities, body types, and fashion tastes. But what about if you had a quick, everyday conversation with…

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Easter // Part 4: Jesus’ Invitation

The Stone was Rolled Away  How do we know that Jesus conquered death? We read at the start of Mark chapter 16 that “Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise,…

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Easter // Good Friday 2022

It’s Good Friday, and it’s a day of remembrance and reflection. It’s the day that we recognize the death of Jesus – the day that Jesus took on our sin and shame and died a sinner’s death. But, Good Friday is not the end of the story. We celebrate this day, as we know that…

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Easter // Part 3: Jesus’ Sacrifice

Jesus Died For Us When you begin to understand the sacrifice of Christ, everything changes. And if we can feel the weight and significance of Jesus’ sacrifice for us, we will be better able to celebrate His resurrection on Easter and every day of our lives.  Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice. He gave His life…

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Easter // Part 2: Jesus’ Death

Why Did Jesus Have to Die? Our celebration of Jesus’ resurrection is the most joyous time of the year in the church. But if we don’t spend some time in reflection of the pain and suffering that Jesus endured in our place, we will miss just how awesome the story of His resurrection on the…

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Easter // Part 1: Jesus’ Claim

Jesus Claimed to be the Messiah Names and titles can tell us a lot about people. The names we call people are how we acknowledge them; using them shows we recognize the people around us. The titles principal or doctor or your honor all tell us something about what people do for a living, and…

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Refine // Part 1: Lust – Love

Fighting the Seven Deadly Sins How do we refine our lives for the glory of God? We all struggle with sin – some sins more than others. And, what we know is that God hates sin. When we sin, we are not only sinning against others or against ourselves, but we, too, are sinning against…

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Advance // Part 2: Relational Health

Getting Right in our Relationships Relationships. They’re a big deal, right? Every one of us has relationships in our lives – with our family members, our significant other, our friends, our coworkers, and many more. Some are built-in, like our families or our coworkers. Others are some that we’ve chosen to build, like our friends…

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