Posts Tagged ‘Spirituality’
Generous Living // Stories of Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! We all have so much for which to be thankful. The third key in Generous Living is to “give thanks in all circumstances.” This doesn’t say “for” all circumstances because we live in a broken world because of sin, but it does say “in” all circumstances because our God is greater. We have…
Read MoreRevival // Presence
The Presence of God is what we all need in our lives. So often we look to the things of this world to satisfy us. We think, “If I just have more money,” but money never ultimately meets our deepest needs of healing, hope, salvation and eternity. True joy comes in meeting and knowing Jesus.…
Read MoreRevival // Participation
God longs to bring Revival in His Church today. We are on the precipice of Great Spiritual Awakening in our nation. And, these Spiritual Awakenings have always started with Revival in God’s Church. Revivals occur when God’s people become fully devoted to His heart and mission. So often, we drift from the things of God…
Read MoreRevival // Power
Revival is at the heart of God. Revival is about God drawing His people and His Church back to His Presence and His desires. Revival happens when God’s Spirit falls fresh upon His people. As Christians, we can become so consumed with culture that we quench the Spirit of God. Yet, when God’s people gather…
Read MoreMission Sunday // 2024
As Christians (which means, “little Christ”), we have a call to be involved in missions. Sometimes we think missions is only for certain people, but Jesus actually calls all His disciples to the Great Commission and to be missionaries. Sharing our faith with others, praying for others, and serving others in the Name of Jesus…
Read MoreFaith Works: The Book of James // How to Be Rich
The Book of James is so practical in how we live out our faith in Jesus. In James 5, he points out that our faith is seen in how we use our money, our suffering, and our prayers. As Christ-followers, these three areas should look different from the world – how we invest our money,…
Read MoreThe Jesus Way // Part 7: Jesus’ Invitation
God Won’t Give Up On You As one of Jesus’ disciples, Peter joined the Lord for around three whole years, learning from Him and witnessing His miracles. We’ve journeyed through some of Jesus’ last days during the season of Lent, and yet all those incredible moments were only a fraction of the time Peter was…
Read MoreThe Jesus Way // Part 6: Jesus’ Victory
What Redemption Means He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. — Galatians 3:14 In our everyday lives we don’t use the word “redemption” or “redeem” too often. But when we do,…
Read MoreThe Jesus Way // Part 5: Jesus’ Sacrifice
We All Have to Choose Pilate had the earthly authority to spare Jesus’ life, but He did anything He could to avoid the choice in front of him. Once more Pilate came out and said to the Jews gathered there, “Look, I am bringing him out to you to let you know that I find…
Read MoreThe Jesus Way // Part 4: Jesus’ Mission
Jesus Willingly Gave His Life So Judas came to the garden, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and the Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons. Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?” — John…
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