Faith Works: The Book of James // Trials and Temptations

Faith Works: Book of James

The Christian life is all about faith. Salvation comes through faith in Jesus. But salvation is not the end, but the beginning of an incredible faith journey. Every day we have the opportunity to place our faith in Jesus. This is where we see miracles happen and God move mountains. We are called to “live…

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Forward // Part 1: Forward in Joy

Forward: Joy Joy as a Choice Do you remember the last time that something put you in a foul mood? Was it the person that cut you off in traffic? Or what about the person that was rude to you at work? Or was it the task that came up that you weren’t expecting to…

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Life On Purpose // Part 5: Persecution

Life On Purpose: Persecution / Trials Persecution & Trials – How Do We Respond? Each person has something in common: we have all gone through a trial in our lives. Though everyone’s “trial” may look different, each person has faced a challenge in their lifetime, and it’s very likely that they’ll face another in the future.…

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