Advance // Part 5: Mental Health
The Battle for Your Mind There is a battle going on for your mind. You may be thinking, Wow, that sounds pretty intense. Well, that’s because it is. The Enemy is fighting each and every day, endlessly and tirelessly, to take control of our thoughts. He wants to discourage and defeat us, to torture and…
Read MoreAdvance // Part 4: Financial Health
Let’s Talk about our Feelings Would you believe us if we said… 59% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck? 38% of households in America have credit card debt? 33% of the adult population in America saved $0 for their retirement? Now, these statistics are not to scare you – rather, they’re meant to draw your…
Read MoreAdvance // Part 3: Emotional Health
Let’s Talk about our Feelings I feel like ________. Fill in the blank. What are you feeling today? Sad? Frustrated? Overjoyed? Relieved? Tired? Whether you pay attention to them or not, our feelings affect us on a daily (if not hourly!) basis. God created us in His image, and like Himself, He made us to…
Read MoreAdvance // Part 2: Relational Health
Getting Right in our Relationships Relationships. They’re a big deal, right? Every one of us has relationships in our lives – with our family members, our significant other, our friends, our coworkers, and many more. Some are built-in, like our families or our coworkers. Others are some that we’ve chosen to build, like our friends…
Read MoreAdvance // Part 1: Physical Health
Turning a New Page New year’s resolutions – many people make them each year, but statistics show that few actually follow through on them. Why? Because sticking to something over the course of a whole year can be challenging. It’s hard to make a goal and stick to it, especially when we’re trying to do it…
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