Engage // Part 7: Prayer
Prayer Changes Everything Prayer has the power to change things. Prayer is our way of praising God, lamenting loss, confessing sin, and asking Him for what we desire. Prayer is at the core of all that we do as the Church, and we believe that God works in mighty ways when we come to Him…
Read MoreEngage // Part 6: Worship
What Do You Worship? Let’s take a test real quick. Ask yourself these three questions: What’s the one thing that you’ve thought about most this week? What’s something that you desire more than anything right now? What’s the thing that you’ve talked about most recently? The answer to those few questions will likely show you…
Read MoreEngage // Part 5: Evangelism
Letting Go of the Fear of Failure "You’ve failed." Ouch. Words that no one ever wants to hear. Failure hurts, it stings, and it usually sits with you for a while. Unfortunately, failure can also keep us from trying again or attempting something that may be uncomfortable or hard. This can happen when we try…
Read MoreEngage // Part 4: Missions
Why Missions is Important When many people, churched and unchurched, think of the word "missions," they think of missionaries. They think of those who spend their lives overseas, sharing the Gospel with people in unreached places. Yes, these missionaries are incredible – and they understand and are living out the Great Commission of going and…
Read MoreEngage // Part 3: Ministry
Using Your Skills for the Kingdom Think about a time that you were given a role. It could have been on a sports team, in a theatre production, in your workplace, or even in your family. Based on your skills and abilities, your coach, teammate, boss, friend, or family member gave you a particular role…
Read MoreEngage // Part 2: Discipleship
One Step at a Time Trying something new can be extremely scary. None of us like to try and fail, feel uncomfortable, or make a wrong step. We may desire to take steps of faith for the sake of Christ, yet our fears and worries keep us from moving forward towards God’s good and perfect…
Read MoreEngage // Part 1: Community
Engage 40-Day Reading Plan The Power of Community God has created us just as we were meant to be. He gave us a particular hair color, certain interests and talents, specific desires and dreams. He created us just as we are because He has a plan and purpose for us – and one of the ways…
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