Parenting Today // Parenting for a Lifetime

Parenting kids in Christ

Parenting is the hardest thing you will ever do in your life and yet the most beautiful and rewarding. The church is called to raise up the next generation in the Lord. This takes all of us. Parenting today is a challenge, but our God is faithful. God has entrusted your children to you, and…

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Parenting Today // Spiritual Mile Markers

Parenting kids in Christ

Parenting is not just about raising good kids—it’s about raising them to know, love, and follow Jesus. Our role is to intentionally guide them through the Spiritual Mile Markers of life, transferring their dependence from us to God. What we model, they will absorb. So ask yourself: Are you creating a home where faith is…

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Parenting Today // Parenting in a Digital Age

Parenting kids in Christ

Parents are called to guide their children with wisdom, setting firm yet loving boundaries, especially in the digital age. While the internet and smartphones have revolutionized the world, they have also exposed children to risks, often with little regulation. To foster self-regulation and well-adjusted adulthood, parents must set clear digital boundaries—limiting screen time, restricting content,…

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Parenting Today // Discipleship

Parenting kids in Christ

Parenting today can be the greatest joy and yet the most challenging part of anyone’s life. But, God wants us to succeed! God wants us to thrive in our parenting and not just survive. Therefore, God gives us His Word, His Spirit and His Church. Having a personal, growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ,…

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