Life Changing Conversations //  Part 5: Nicodemus

The Search for Meaning Think back to a conversation that you had where the words that were spoken to you truly changed your life. Why did that conversation impact you so deeply? What were those words that were spoken to you? We all have conversations that stick with us – whether that was because the words…

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Life Changing Conversations // Part 2: The Disciples

The Joy of Being Sent We say “yes” to many different things. Sometimes we say yes to doing activities with our friends or family. Sometimes we say yes to a job we are asked to do. Sometimes we say yes to ideas, plans, or goals. Our yeses typically define the course of our lives and…

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Life Changing Conversations // Part 1: The Rich Young Ruler

True Satisfaction vs. Worldly Happiness There are so many things in this world that people try to use to find satisfaction. Oftentimes, money is one of these major things. We think that more and more money will make us happy and bring fulfillment, security, and happiness. We think that if we can control how much…

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