Be Holy: Confronting Sin

Series Overview

Holiness is something that is lost on our world today. Compromise is more common than standing firm on one's faith in Christ. Subjective truth is routinely referenced, rather than knowing and believing God's Truth found in His Word.

As Christ-followers, we are in the world, but we aren't meant to be of the world. To be holy means to be set apart and different.

When we are faced with a difficult decision or feel tension around what's right and wrong, we must ask ourselves: What does God say about this, and will this make me more like Jesus?

That being said, we know that none of us is perfect! No matter if you've been following Jesus for 7 days, 7 years, or 70 years, we all need help in the area of sanctification, which means the process of being made holy.

So, whether you've been struggling with a hidden sin for years or are asking God to reveal how you can grow in holiness, we believe that our new series, Be Holy: Confronting Sin, will be convicting and impactful for each of us. It will remind us of our call to be holy as Christ-followers and the grace that God extends to us day after day.

Let’s pursue holiness together, church!

Sermon Archive
Be Holy: Confronting Sin // Greed // NSC
Be Holy: Confronting Sin // GreedBe Holy: Confronting Sin // Greed // NSC

May 26, 2024


When it comes to greed, we are quick to forget how cunning and sly greed can be. Greed isn’t always overt. Sometimes it is, but other times, much more subtle. We can even camouflage greed and call it a necessity. Every other person has this, so I need it. Every other family goes there, so we need to go there. Every other kid has this, so my child must need this. It doesn’t sound wrong, but it can be an attitude or a comparison the Lord just doesn’t want us to make, and it is most often driven by a need for more. We even think it is right and worth it and what is best. When was the last time you evaluated the return on investment, on the greedy choices you made? What you will find is the ROI is never what you think it will be! Instead of being happier, you are less content. Instead of being pleased with your new gadgets, you want yet another one. Greed always leaves us wanting more! Seek to be content this week. Seek to be a blessing to others. Thank God for all He has lavished on you, and yearn to be an active participant in all He wants to do in and through you in the world.

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