QUESTIONS Justice and mercy internationalmISSION TRIPS DO GOOD LOCAL

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

— MATTHEW 28:18–20

Once we become disciples, God wants us to make disciples. 

God has called us all to REACH OUT to those around us with the good news of Jesus Christ. 

There are people on our street, in our city, in our country, and all over the world that need to hear the Gospel and see it lived out. 

We all have circles of influence that God has intentionally placed us in. Places where we can make a Kingdom impact. This starts on our street and flows to the ends of the earth.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth. 

—ACTS 1:8


God never gets the address wrong.

—Rosaria Butterfield

You live where you live for a reason. God has placed you there to love your neighbors and to share the Gospel with them. Who are the people God has placed around you and how can you be intentional about reaching them?


1. Do you know the names of the people who live around you? Sharing the Gospel is more than knowing your neighbor’s name, but it is not less.

NEXT STEPS | Learn the names of the people around you.

2. What do you know about your neighbors besides their names? The best way to share the gospel is by relationally getting to know the people God has called you to reach.

NEXT STEPS | Learn more about your neighbors. Be intentional about engaging them in conversation beyond the normal small talk.

3. What do you know about the spiritual state of your neighbors?

NEXT STEPS | Be intentional about learning more about their spiritual worldview.

4. Do you feel comfortable about sharing the gospel with your neighbors when the time is right?

NEXT STEPS | Sign up for Gospel Conversations Training HERE.
Download the Life On Mission App HERE.

2. Neighborhood

Wherever you are, be all there.


We have missionaries stationed in almost every neighborhood and apartment complex in our area. You are one of them.

We have gatherings of Christians meeting in almost every neighborhood and apartment complex in our area. Your Community Group is one of them.

How many people do you think live in your neighborhood or apartment complex? How many of those people do you think are followers of Christ?

What if you and your Community Group committed to reaching the people around you?


1. Are you in a Community Group? Is there one in your neighborhood?

‣ NEXT STEPS | Search for a Community Group in your area with GroupFinder. If there is not one, maybe God is calling you to start a new group to reach new people. (GroupFinder Opens August 13)

2. Does your Community Group have a Missions Mobilizer yet? A Missions Mobilizer is responsible for coordinating quarterly and on-going missions opportunities to reach the area that the group meets in.

‣ NEXT STEPS | If not, maybe God is calling you to be that for your group. Let us know .

3. How can you and your group be intentional about reaching your neighborhood or apartment complex?

‣ NEXT STEPS | Your group or your family could do a prayer walk in your neighborhood and ask God to move. Begin to see your group as a front door to the church for your neighborhood.

3. Community

Your community is the people and places that are part of your normal rhythms of life.

Examples of things that are part of your community:

The stores where you frequent on a regular basis.
Your kids’ school.
Your workplace.
Your kids’ sports teams.

God wants us to see our community as not just places we frequent, but people who need the love of Christ.


1. Do you know the names of the people in the restaurants and stores you frequent the most?

‣ NEXT STEPS | Learn the names and begin to learn about the people. Ask how you can pray for them.

2. How can you be intentional about sharing the gospel relationally with the people in these places?

‣ NEXT STEPS | Begin to see these places and people as purposely placed in your life so that you can be a light of the gospel to them. Get to know them and let them get to know you.

3. Have you ever invited people in your community to church?

‣ NEXT STEPS | Invite one person this week to church.

4. Do you feel comfortable about sharing the gospel with the people in the community when the time is right?

‣ NEXT STEPS | Sign up for Gospel Conversations Training HERE.
Download the Life On Mission App HERE.

4. City

We want our cities to be better because we have campuses there.
We are not just in Franklin; we are FOR Franklin.
We are not just in Nashville; we are FOR Nashville.
We are not just in Nolensville; we are FOR Nolensville.
We are not just in Columbia; we are FOR Columbia.

We are FOR the good of the people, the community, and the city.
In our cities, we have GOD-SIZED dreams of building the kingdom.

Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.


We desire to:

What would it take to end hunger in our cities?

One Generation Away
Nolensville Food Pantry


What would it take to end homelessness and restore dignity to ALL?

Shower Up
The Bridge Ministry
The Homeless Alliance


What would it take to invest in the education of those in our city?

Path United
4:13 Strong
Preston Taylor Ministries


Tennessee Baptist Missions Board
Nashville Baptist Association
Tucker’s House
New Hope Academy
Father/Son Bowl
Deer Run
Manna From On High
The Well Outreach
431 Ministries


1. Have you ever been a part of our Saturday Serves to minister to our cities?

‣ NEXT STEPS | Be on the lookout for our next Saturday Serve date!

2. Has your Community Group served with any of these partners?

‣ NEXT STEPS | Plan a quarterly missions project for your group to support one of these organizations.

3. Do you feel called to make an impact and serve as a leader in local missions?

‣ NEXT STEPS | Let us know .

5. Nation

We are committed to partnering with other churches and organizations to REACH our country for Christ.

Rolling Hills was once a church plant and we have a heart for helping churches reach the cities that God has called them to.

We are partnering with:

City View Church | Atlanta, Georgia

Desert Ridge Church Phoenix, Arizona 

We will be sending teams in 2024 to help build the kingdom in these cities. Register HERE

6. World

We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God.


In 2008, Rolling Hills launched a nonprofit organization called Justice and Mercy International (JMI) to meet the challenges of working in cultures antagonistic to the gospel. JMI facilitates the international mission purposes of Rolling Hills. Through this vehicle, we've even been able to serve as a missions conduit for other churches interested in collaborating with us.

The heartbeat of JMI is a long-term and meaningful commitment to the people we serve. Through JMI, Rolling Hills already has local NGOs established and fully staffed in Moldova and Brazil.


1. Do you have a passport? That is the first step of international missions.

‣ NEXT STEPS | Apply for a passport HERE.

2. Do you want to learn more about Justice and Mercy International?

‣ NEXT STEPS | You can learn more HERE.

3. Go on an international mission trip?

‣ NEXT STEPS | Learn more about our mission trips HERE.


God has called us to reach out to those around us with the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

Missions are our heartbeat at Rolling Hills, and God is moving in mighty ways through missions, one of those being through our national and international mission trips. 

Interested in joining us for a 2023 or 2024 Mission Trip? Learn more about our trips below!


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