Faith Works: The Book of James

Series Overview

In a world that promotes a culture of consumption, from the latest Netflix series to the non-stop Olympic coverage to the endless social media updates, we are bombarded with opportunities to passively consume.

Yet, as Pastor Jeff has said, the Christian journey is not a "spectator sport."

When it comes to our faith, God's Word never once encourages us to remain passive or sit on the sidelines. In fact, we're called to do just the opposite! Scripture is littered with incredible figures who, though imperfect, used their life to display their faith in action.

The Book of James is a powerful portion of Scripture that clearly lays out a handful of practical ways we can engage our faith — having strength while facing life's trials, learning to step out in obedience, working to control our words, and even being aware of the role that money plays in our lives.

And in James, a central theme persists chapter after chapter: Faith is an action that demonstrates our trust in Christ to an onlooking world.

We're thrilled to be launching our new series, Faith Works: The Book of James, this Sunday, August 11. Together, we'll embark on a journey to grow deeper in our faith and keep Christ at the center of our lives. 

Sermon Archive
Faith Works: The Book of James // How to Be Rich // NSC
Faith Works: The Book of James // How to Be RichFaith Works: The Book of James // How to Be Rich // NSC

Sep 22, 2024


The Book of James is so practical in how we live out our faith in Jesus. In James 5, he points out that our faith is seen in how we use our money, our suffering, and our prayers. As Christ-followers, these three areas should look different from the world - how we invest our money, how we are patient in our sufferings, and how we pray. May we be people who grow deeper and stronger in our faith. Let’s mature in our love and faith in Jesus.

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