The Greatest Adventure // Part 9: Legacy

Raising Up the Next Generation Think of the few people who had an impact on your faith journey. Do you have someone or a few people who immediately come to mind? Maybe they were the people who encouraged you when you needed it, the people who prayed with and for you, the people who shared…

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The Greatest Adventure // Part 8: The God of Details

God is with YOU. Relentless. Ever-present. Trustworthy. Reliable. These are all words that describe God’s presence. He is consistent, He is loyal, He is always here with us. And He is faithfully pursuing us with a steadfast devotion. How does that make you feel? Do you want to have a relationship with a God like…

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The Greatest Adventure // Part 7: God’s Law

The Perfect Authority When we think of rules, oftentimes we think of authority. There can be, at times, a negative light surrounding both rules and the ones enforcing the rules, due to past experiences and a myriad of other reasons. Simply stated: our relationship with rules and authority can be challenging. Our God, however, is…

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The Greatest Adventure // Part 6: God Provides

Dare to Hope  Life gets hard. Plain and simple. Things that we don’t expect to happen do. Tragedies and struggles hit when we are least expecting them. Uncertainty seems to be endless, and the questions we have never get answered. Yet, we still dare to hope. Why?  Because our God is a God who provides…

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The Greatest Adventure // Part 5: Freedom

The Ultimate Sacrifice  Do you ever look at a circumstance in your life and wonder where God is? Whether you’re in that season now or if you can recall a situation like this in the past, there can be times that it’s difficult to understand what God may be doing. The Israelites likely felt this…

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The Greatest Adventure // Part 4: The Passover

The Ultimate Sacrifice  When you think about the sacrifice that Jesus made – really think about it – you can realize the magnitude of that act. The perfect, sinless Son of God lived a perfect life and chose to die for you and for me. And, even more than that, His death and sacrifice was prophesied…

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The Greatest Adventure // Part 3: Miracles Happen

A God of Miracles  When people think of miracles, sometimes they think of magicians or make-believe. It’s easier to have something that you can explain versus believing in something that has no logical explanation. We want to have a conclusion, a reasoning, and something to point to that makes it simple and rational. If we…

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The Greatest Adventure // Part 2: God’s Call

God’s Call on your Life  Each individual Christ-follower is being called to a specific task and purpose. Some people are called into the business world. Others are called into ministry. Some are led to teach the next generation. Whatever passions God has placed in your heart, whatever goals and dreams He’s given you, whatever aspirations…

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The Greatest Adventure // Part 1: Born for a Purpose

Born on Purpose For a Purpose What’s the last difficult season that you walked through? Or are you walking through a hard season right now? Have you ever felt, in this season, that God has abandoned you or doesn’t realize what He’s doing? You’re not alone, friend. We all have been through trying circumstances when…

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