Easter: To Know + Follow Jesus

Series Overview

It feels like we’re surrounded on all sides by bad news and uncertainty in this world. Our trust for one another has been eroded, and our confidence in the future of this world has waned. With all the different messages we hear from every direction, it can be difficult to know what’s true or where the way before us is headed. Where can we find hope that everything will be made right? Who can we trust to show us the way forward, and to tell us the truth in this life? Only the way, the truth, and the life, Himself… the One who this Easter season is all about.

What do you make of this person called Jesus Christ? There may be no more controversial person in human history. He captivated the multitudes with His teachings. He is credited for performing miracles unlike anything even modern science can accomplish. He lived sinlessly, as a servant to all. In His day, He inspired devoted followers from all walks of life, yet He drew the ire of government and religious leaders to the point of His public execution. Two thousand years later, almost everyone knows the name of Jesus. But, who did He claim to be?

The Jewish people had long awaited a savior, and today, we still desperately need one. What if that Messiah were already available to us, today? What if we didn’t need to save the world, because the work is already done? How different could our lives and world be if we all had a hope like that, and really lived as though it were the truth?

In the weeks throughout this Easter season, we’ll journey together through the story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. At each step along the way, we’ll answer big questions and come to know the person of Jesus better each week. And whether you’re assessing Jesus’ claim for the first time, or you’ve known Him for years, we hope and pray that you will respond to His claim in a new and powerful way this year.

Our God is inviting us all to more than just knowing the name of Jesus, but to take up our crosses and follow Him. We’ve got Good News, and we hope you’ll tune in and share it with those around you. We invite you to join us this Easter season as we explore what it really means To Know and Follow Jesus.

Sermon Archive
Part 4: Jesus' Invitation - NAC
Part 4: Jesus' InvitationPart 4: Jesus' Invitation - NAC

Apr 17, 2022


God is inviting you into His Easter Story. He is drawing you to Himself and asking you to make Easter personal. God is not simply interested in religion, but He wants a personal relationship with you. Not your parents’ faith or your church’s faith, but your faith – a committed relationship with the God of all creation through His Son, Jesus. Easter is about the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and the relationship you can now have with God for eternity as a part of His forever family. Easter allows you to come alive in Jesus’ unconditional, transformational, and eternal love. Receive God’s gift of salvation today and live in His love forever. God loves you!

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