Jesus: Life Changing Conversations

Part 5: Nicodemus - NAC
Part 5: NicodemusPart 5: Nicodemus - NAC

Apr 04, 2021


We can’t understand why Jesus came and what His death meant without understanding, first, our own need. Sin is a spiritual deficit. The price for a restored relationship with God wasn’t free. It was the ultimate price. God’s grace is that you and I didn’t have to pay it. We couldn’t afford it anyway. Instead, out of love, God paid the way Himself with His own Son. That’s the essence of faith and the summary of the Bible. If Jesus isn’t the one true Savior, it doesn’t matter that He was a great moral teacher, remarkable miracle worker, or even revolutionary hero. Without saving knowledge of His death & resurrection applied to our lives, we’ll remain in debt. Because of God’s love, we can be saved and we can be free.

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