
Heaven // What Will We Do in Heaven?

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If you have a personal relationship with Jesus, then one day you will spend eternity in Heaven! This is such good news. We live in a broken and fallen world because of sin, but one day it will all be made right. Jesus will take us to our eternal home, and we will be with God and our loved ones forever. Regardless of what you are facing today, know the best is yet to come in your life. Live as a citizen of heaven in this world today. God is preparing an awesome place for you!


In Heaven, we will have physical bodies in a physical city where we will work, worship, reign, and feast with God and one another forever.  

2 Corinthians 15:42-44

Revelation 21:1-5

Heaven is about people as much as it is about place.

Everything bad will be gone, and everything good will be incomprehensibly better.

God is not making all new things; He is making all things new.

Revelation 22:1-5

Genesis 1:27-28

“Christ is not simply preparing a place for us; He is preparing us for that place.” – Randy Alcorn, Heaven 

Matthew 6:19-21

How we spend our time on earth will impact how we spend our time in Heaven.

God created us from the very beginning to worship, work, reign, feast, and fellowship. Heaven will not be boring

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