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Will you be setting a new year’s resolution for 2022? A new year provides a fresh start and a renewed desire to pursue goals we’ve abandoned and to improve our health habits. This year, we want to rededicate ourselves for growth as followers of Christ and as effective disciples for those around us. As we flip the calendar to January, we’ll draw up a game plan for getting ourselves into shape for service to our Lord.


Will you be setting a new year’s resolution for 2022? A new year provides a fresh start and a renewed desire to pursue goals we’ve abandoned and to improve our health habits. This year, we want to rededicate ourselves for growth as followers of Christ and as effective disciples for those around us. As we flip the calendar to January, we’ll draw up a game plan for getting ourselves into shape for service to our Lord.

There’s more to health than just weight and diet. We’re not only talking about physical health, but a more holistic assessment of where we are relationally, emotionally, mentally, financially, and even spiritually. If we excel in one but lack or neglect the others, we will not seem well at all. We are called to live a life of moderation. In the absence of moderation in our habits we will struggle to live a life focused on God.

As a church community we are called to look out for one another. We are one body, and when one of us falls, we are to carry one another’s burdens. Even if you do not tend to struggle in one of these areas, many of your brothers or sisters will! Anyone who has supported a loved one through difficulty knows that trouble never affects just one person in isolation. Together, we will discover biblical principles for living healthy lives which we can then share and pursue in community with one another.

The world promises quick-fixes and empty, temporary solutions in our times of need. Meanwhile we’re tempted by fleshy, destructive habits in pursuit of instant-gratification and fleeting happiness. But God doesn’t want us to live like this. It isn’t a sin to pursue wellness; in fact, so often it is the lies of the world and the sin we’re drawn into which destroy our health. There are God-honoring and neighbor-loving ways to fortify and retain our wellness, as long as the Lord is willing!

Join us this January as we explore practical ways of becoming a more joyous and healthy church. Whether you’re looking to make big changes, or just need to undergo some fine-tuning, let’s all together rededicate ourselves to Jesus in 2022. Let’s put our best foot forward and ADVANCE into a new year as healthy, strong, and growing followers of Christ.

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