Easter: The Jesus Way

Part 2: Jesus’ Heart

Series HomeSermon Archive

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Today’s sermon is based on John 16, part of the last instructions Jesus gave His disciples after the Last Supper. This passage focuses on the coming of the Holy Spirit, and his work in believers.

Our Helper, The Holy Spirit

There are many things that do not live up to the “hype” that surrounds them: landmarks, films, meals, marriages, even life. As believers we sometimes think life will become easier the closer we come to God. However, Jesus clearly stated that problems will come to us; He also promised that He would send a helper to go through these problems with us. That helper is the Holy Spirit, who guides us through adversity and exhorts us to remain faithful. The Holy Spirit is also in the world to guide non-believers to see sin in their lives. We cannot be the Holy Spirit in the lives of others, even though we are sometimes judgmental and condemning, reminding those around us of their brokenness. That is the job of the Holy Spirit. Our role is to be a witness to the power and presence of Christ in our lives, remembering that everyone to whom we speak also has the Holy Spirit working in his heart. So, while the Holy Spirit is convicting the world of sin, He is also redirecting believers on the path of righteousness. In John 16, Jesus warns His disciples that He is going away, but promises that they will never be alone as they face the challenges that are sure to come.

What God is saying through this text?

Whereas problems in the Christian life are a promise, peace in Christ is dependent upon our choice. Because of Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit, we do not have to live in fear or with worries. Jesus will be with us regardless of what challenges we face.


Resources // Media // RightNow Media

One Voice // Part 2: A People of God // Jeff Simmons

Everyday Armor // Part 1: We are in a Spiritual Battle // Jeff Simmons

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