Be Holy: Confronting Sin

Be Holy: Confronting Sin // Complacency

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God calls us to “be holy because I am holy.” Holiness means to be “set apart.” The world wants us to be passive about our faith and to live for ourselves. Yet, Jesus came to “do the will of the Father.” As Christ-followers, we are called to be like Jesus. We should passionately invest in the things of God. But we live in a world that wants us to be complacent and comfortable. Complacency is a challenge for Christians and for the American Church. God calls us to push past culture and to live for Him. We have one opportunity in life, so let’s give our best for God!


God calls us to “be holy because I am holy.” Holiness means to be “set apart.” The world wants us to be passive about our faith and to live for ourselves. Yet, Jesus came to “do the will of the Father.” As Christ-followers, we are called to be like Jesus. We should passionately invest in the things of God. But we live in a world that wants us to be complacent and comfortable. Complacency is a challenge for Christians and for the American Church. God calls us to push past culture and to live for Him. We have one opportunity in life, so let’s give our best for God!

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