Masterclass: The Life of David

Masterclass: The Life of David // David & Bathsheba

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David's story in 2 Samuel 11:1-15 shows how sin can mess things up, even for someone like the greatest king of Israel. So, because we recognize that we can slip up, praying and reading the Bible daily, having friends who keep us accountable, and knowing how to step away from temptation are all essential in our walk with Jesus. When we do make mistakes, though, asking for forgiveness and choosing repentance can bring us back to God. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says God helps us handle temptation when we stick close to Him and our community. We can learn from David's mistakes because we all struggle with sin. Finding our joy in God helps us say no to temptation and grow spiritually. And just as we learn from David’s life, no matter how you have sinned, you are never too far from God.


David's story in 2 Samuel 11:1-15 shows how sin can mess things up, even for someone like the greatest king of Israel. So, because we recognize that we can slip up, praying and reading the Bible daily, having friends who keep us accountable, and knowing how to step away from temptation are all essential in our walk with Jesus. When we do make mistakes, though, asking for forgiveness and choosing repentance can bring us back to God. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says God helps us handle temptation when we stick close to Him and our community. We can learn from David's mistakes because we all struggle with sin. Finding our joy in God helps us say no to temptation and grow spiritually. And just as we learn from David’s life, no matter how you have sinned, you are never too far from God.

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