Stories of Christmas

Stories of Christmas | Introduction

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Christmas is a season of excitement and anticipation, where we celebrate the birth of Jesus. As we dive into the Advent season, we are reminded of the astonishing story of the first Christmas. This year, our church is in its Christmas sermon series – Stories of Christmas, a journey through Luke 2 exploring the stories of different characters who played significant roles in the Christmas story. From Mary and Joseph, to the Magi and Shepherds, each story leads to the momentous birth of Jesus Christ. Join us as we learn more about the Stories of Christmas and the people who played integral parts in them.


Christmas is a season of excitement and anticipation, where we celebrate the birth of Jesus. As we dive into the Advent season, we are reminded of the astonishing story of the first Christmas. This year, our church is in its Christmas sermon series – Stories of Christmas, a journey through Luke 2 exploring the stories of different characters who played significant roles in the Christmas story. From Mary and Joseph, to the Magi and Shepherds, each story leads to the momentous birth of Jesus Christ. Join us as we learn more about the Stories of Christmas and the people who played integral parts in them.

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