Next: The Best is Yet to Come

Next: The Best is Yet to Come

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For the past 20 years of Rolling Hills, we have seen God do more than we could ever imagine. Countless lives, some of whom are sitting right here in this room or who are watching online, have been impacted for eternity. Many have professed their faith through baptism, adults and children have grown in their faith through discipleship, campuses have been launched in communities all throughout Middle Tennessee, and the vulnerable and the least have been served throughout the world. 


For the past 20 years of Rolling Hills, we have seen God do more than we could ever imagine. Countless lives, some of whom are sitting right here in this room or who are watching online, have been impacted for eternity. Many have professed their faith through baptism, adults and children have grown in their faith through discipleship, campuses have been launched in communities all throughout Middle Tennessee, and the vulnerable and the least have been served throughout the world. 

God has shown up, time and time again, and now, we faithfully look ahead to what is NEXT for His Church, knowing that it’s not about us and our future, but about God and His perfect plan.

Our prayer is that this will be a season that we look back on and see as one where God grew and stretched His people in ways He never has before. We’re believing we will see restored relationships, miracles happen right before our eyes, radical salvations, and prodigals returning home. We’re believing for all of this and more. May He find us faithful as we step forward, trusting that the best truly is yet to come. We love being on this journey with you, Rolling Hills!

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